- 引用数学公式\[ \begin{equation} \pi^2=x^2+y \label{eq_lab1} \end{equation} \] Here we cite this equation by \(\eqref{eq_lab1}\)
$$\begin{equation}\pi^2=x^2+y\label{eq_lab1}\end{equation}$$Here we cite this equation by $\eqref{eq_lab1}$
- 设置字体颜色some This is Blue text.
<span style="color:blue">some This is Blue italic. text</span>
- 设置字体为斜体和黑体This is 斜体
*This is 斜体*
This is 黑体**This is 黑体**
- 引用参考文献
Citation from the review paper of G. Vlad [^ref1] and R. Tom [^ref2].[^ref1]: G. Vlad 1990 RSI paper.[^ref2]: R. Tom 1992 PHP paper.